The Long Barrow at All Cannings is a spiritual place where people of any or no faith can come to remember and give thanks,
especially for the lives of their loved ones
As a Druidic Place of Worship we have celebrated the Solstices and Equinoxes throughout the pandemic and remembered those dear to us .
We hope 2025 will enable us to welcome more of you to join us.
The Long Barrow regular events 2025:
Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice Evening, Autumn Equinox and Winter Equinox Sunrise,
The Spring Equinox event at the Long Barrow will be at 2:00pm on 22nd March 2025 -
All Welcome. A time to reflect, remember and hope. Public Worship ceremony.
Everybody welcome of all faiths or none. The Barrow will be open.
There is no pressure to take part in the Public Worship
The exterior is free to visit at all reasonable times.
It is has internal chambers with niches and is used as a columbarium or place for cremated remains in urns to be kept.
The income from the leases of the niches funded the construction.
It was the first Novolithic Barrow, built in 2014 in the style of a traditional long barrow in natural materials, but made relevant for today in its internal layout. All the niches are reserved but due to circumstances changing niches may become available, please email if interested.
Contributions when placing an urn or a private visit, The Long Barrow is operated by Tim Daw
We ask for a contribution to our costs and towards the maintenance of the barrow. For inurnments it is £100 and for a private visit £30. We will meet you at the barrow and open the barrow which will be prepared and lit for you.
Please contact us and make the arrangements to agree a date and time first - email Tim Daw
Payment can be by cash or cheque made out to Tim Daw, and sent to Cannings Cross Farm, All Cannings Devizes Wiltshire SN10 3NP or paid by BACS - T C Daw Details on request or by PayPal to
All the niches are reserved.
We don't actually provide the memorial stones, you can choose any memorial mason or we can recommend or who have done some already - they are very helpful to talk to. The choice of urn is up to you, we suggest metal or ceramic. Urns should be 300mm or less tall, recommended width and depth 200mm. We have examples of hand made urns which are suitable, contact Ann Bates -
The Long Barrow at All Cannings is operated by:
Tim Daw, Cannings Cross Farm, All Cannings, Devizes, Wiltshire. SN10 3NP
email: or 'phone: 07747 0111212 (leave a message as we often don't answer due to the volume of spam calls, sorry)
General Data Protection Regulation
At the moment when you enquire about or have booked a niche at the Long Barrow - you are effectively giving us permission to hold your data.
However, if you wish to withdraw permission please email us at
If we DO NOT hear from you we will assume you give permission for us to continue to hold this data.
Your privacy is a priority to us and we will ensure your details are never passed on to a third party EXCEPT for delivery purposes. Please note this also applies if we hold more than one address for you.
Our full privacy policy is on